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Fundamentals of Strategy 4e editie is een boek van Gerry Johnson uitgegeven bij Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 9781292209067 From the author team of the market-leading text Exploring Strategy, comes a new edition of Fundamentals of Strategy.

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Retaining a About Fundamentals of Strategy xi Getting the most from Fundamentals of Strategy xiii Guided tour xvi 1 INTRODUCING STRATEGY 1 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 What is strategy? , 2 1.2.1 Defining strategy 2 1.2.2 Levels of strategy 6 1.2.3 Strategy statements , 7 1.3 The Exploring Strategy Model 9 1.3.1 Strategic position 11 1.3.2 Strategic choices 12 From the author team of the market-leading text Exploring Strategy, comes a new edition of Fundamentals of Strategy.Designed to help student and business executives boost their academic and professional careers, Fundamentals of Strategy is the most concise and easy to follow overview of the fundamental issues and techniques of strategy. This lean, focused text concentrates on giving students a clear understanding of database fundamentals while providing a broad survey of all the major topics of the field. The result is a text that is easily covered in one semester, and that only includes topics relevant to the database course. Mark Gillenson, an associate editor of the Journal of Database Management, has 15 years experience Fundamentals of Strategy. Delivers the essential concepts and techniques of strategy in 10 chapters. Engages the reader with real-world strategy problems.
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