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Here is a summary of the study findings: 359 men were initially enrolled on active surveillance and followed for an average (mean) of 72.9 months Gleason number is made up of 2 parts reflecting the the two lobes of the prostate and these are added together. Each side is allocated a number 3 - 5 and these are added together. Gleason 7 is probably 3+4, so not very aggressive at all! A Gleason score 7, as your father-in-law has, represents either a (3+4) or (4+3) cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common solid male organ cancer in the US. Nearly 250,000 will be diagnosed this year.

Gleason score 7

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T1-2, Gleason score ≤ 6, PSA < 20. µg/l eller T1-2, Gleason score 7,. ingick, påvisade en högre incidens av prostatacancer med Gleason score 8-10 hos nervsystemet. Yrsel.

A Gleason score 7, as your father-in-law has, represents either a (3+4) or (4+3) cancer.

and clinical stage T1-2a Intermediate risk: PSA between 10 and 20, Gleason score 7, or clinical stage T2b High-risk: PSA more than 20, Gleason score equal 

Prostata har en anatomi som gör att cancern ofta är symtomfri  Gleasonsumma 7 har aggressiv potential men kan vara botbar. Gleasonsumma 8–10 innebär höggradig cancer med allvarlig prognos.

Gleason score 7

Tech made simple for your whole family. We think that you can trust the Techwalla Score because it represents a snapshot of the Internet’s most trusted professional reviews. We don’t manipulate the Techwalla Score in any way, so it’s a pure

Read More 1 doctor agrees 2016-03-01 2015-08-04 2014-03-11 Gleason score över tiden Är den Gleason score, tex 4 + 3 = 7, som cancertumören har bedömts till konstant över tiden (om cancern ej behandlas)?

Gleason score 7

my husband was given the awful news that his gleason score is 7 after a biopsy following psa 5. he is in his 50s. he had no symptoms and its been a terrible shock to him. the consultant said he wouldnt burden him with further details while he came to terms absorbing the outcome but has advised mri and ct scans. we do not know how the total of 7 has been made up.it worries me that it is going Previous studies have mostly evaluated outcomes based simply on whether a Gleason score is less than 7 or greater than 8, and not differentiated between individual scores.
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Ein Tumor mit einem Gleason-Score 7 hat ein mittleres Risiko und stellt die größte Variabilität dar. Dieser Tumor enthält sowohl 3-er Anteile als auch 4-er Anteile. Je nach prozentualer Aufteilung kann dieser Tumor mehr 3-er oder 4-er Anteile enthalten. Die erste Zahl im Gleason-Score bedeutet, dass dieser Anteil im Tumor überwiegt bzw. über 50% liegt.

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In a large retrospective series of 1031 men at Stanford University, a Gleason score of 7 predicted a significantly worse disease free survival in a four‐tiered system that grouped Gleason scores as 2‐5, 6, 7, and 8‐10. 12 Zagars et al., with a slightly different grouping of 2‐3, 4‐6, 7, and 8‐10, showed that Gleason 7 was correlated with increasing local recurrence, distant failure

Thanks in advance for giving me hope.:-) "my dad has a gleason score of 7 no further details will be given until appnmt. what is survival rate of that score for a 63 yr old?

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A Gleason score of 7 is an intermediate grade that will grow at a moderate rate. A Gleason score of 8 to 10 is a high grade cancer that is likely to grow more quickly. If your Gleason score is low and you are older or have early stage disease your urologist is likely to suggest active monitoring rather than surgery or radiotherapy.

Den största vinsten med studien verkar vara att PSA används tillsammans med kliniska faktorer på ett strukturerat sätt. Scoring a 7 means that the primary score (largest section of the tumor) scored a 3 or 4. Tumors with a primary score of 3 and a secondary score of 4 have a fairly good outlook, whereas cancers with a primary Gleason Score of 4 and a secondary score of 3, are more likely to grow and spread. What is the optimal management of Gleason score 7 prostate cancer at biopsy?